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Value Add



Optimisation of Clients’ Machineries
We have the breadth and depth of technical expertise to respond to the most technically and time-challenging cleaning equipment.  We conceptualize, plan, design and enable solutions for our clients to optimise the lifespan of their machines.
Compliance with Safety Regulations
We recognize that safety is critical to the ongoing success of our projects and deliverables to our customers. Therefore, we empower each employee to take responsibility for his or her own safety and the safety of those around them.
Pro-activeness and Responsiveness
We value our clients’ feedback and strive to excel in all areas of our dealings.  We are also pro-active and responsive in providing practical and applicable solutions faced by our clients.  
We are a customer-centric organisation that understands our clients' full requirements. We operate a complete open policy and share ideas to improve service levels and ways to reduce the costs of our customers.  This approach has resulted in high level of customer satisfaction, repeat business and long-term contracts.
On-Site Support
Cyclosystem provides on-site rectification support to the critical infrastructures within hours of phone call notification.  We are able to deploy stand-by technical personnel to diagnose and initiate proper solutions to the area of concern.
Contact Us

Cyclosystem Pte Ltd
15 Woodlands Sector 1, Singapore 738355

: (+65) 6455 4111
: (+65) 6455 0111


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